Thursday, July 3, 2014

Weight Loss

Well, apparently I'm terrible at blogging. I haven't posted in over 3 years. I think I'll start posting more often now, though I've said that before....

One of the positive things I've got going on right now is I've been focusing on losing weight since the beginning of February this year. I've tried numerous times in the past, and had success, only to lose focus and go back to square one the next time. I've always had the best success when logging my food and making sure my calorie outgo is more than my intake. To do this I use MyFitnessPal, and so far this year I've lost 34.4 lbs.

Here's a pic of me from December, I'm not sure exactly how much I weight at this point as I avoided scales like the plague. My start weight in February was 329.4 so I was probably somewhere around that.

I put on my jersey again recently and where it used to be tight on my midsection I've now got loads of room. 

Then I started documenting my success, here's a pic of the progress I've made so far: 

And my least favorite perspective, the dreaded profile shot:

I never realized that I didn't have a neck. I've been really glad to take the photos as sometimes it's hard for me to see the progress, but when I look at the photos it's staring me in the face. It's weird to think that I'm now 16 lbs away from losing 50 lbs, 16 lbs doesn't sound like that much. 

I've been working out for the past month and a half about 5 days a week, trading between Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and doing a Couch to 5k program. I've noticed some changes in myself since starting the workout program, first off, I have ankles again. Also, I have a lot more energy. We did a yard work day at my grandma's house and I was able to participate a lot more (plus it was an excellent work out). I can now run up our 3 flights of stairs and not be winded at the top, and biggest change is that I actually enjoy exercising. First thing I do Saturday mornings is go for a run. 

Steve's been losing weight too, he's lost about 20 lbs now, mostly because we've been eating more veggies and monitoring our serving sizes better. I'm a little jealous that he hasn't really exercised much (save going with me a few times) and he's lost 2/3 of the weight I have, but hey, I've still lost more. 

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