Sunday, March 27, 2011

In Sickness and In Health

I think when we said our vows "in sickness and in health" Steve didn't realize that I was going to make him prove it.

I meant to blog every week, but a few weeks ago I started suffering from the symptoms of appendicitis. After a few days of feeling crummy, running a fever the pain in my stomach got worse so we went to the Urgent Care Clinic, who in turn sent us to the ER, and after 4 hours we learned.....that I didn't have appendicitis. I followed up with my Dr. a few days later...who also thought it was appendicitis and maybe it was slow to onset, so back to the hospital for another CT scan, yup 2 count em 2 CT's in a matter of 4 days and again no signs of appendicitis, just inexplicable pain. They never did figure out what was wrong with me....I think if they can't figure it out you shouldn't have to pay the absurd bills.

Steve finished up the school quarter, just waiting for his grade. Taking on English next quarter...which is almost his least favorite subject, but best to get it over with right? His comic is going well, if you haven't checked it out yet, you should... It is well worth a look.

We checked out a new church today, Crossroads Bible Church, which we really enjoyed. We have really struggled to find a church that we like that is close enough to our home that we can really get involved in, but I think that problem may be solved. Crossroads is fairly close, there's small groups that are near our house and we both really liked the pastor. This is putting an end (hopefully) to a year of church shopping. It wouldn't have taken so long if Steve's work schedule had had Sunday's off, like it does now, but hey, we've solved it and we're happy.

In other news, we went to our friend Eric's birthday party at Mukelshoot Casino on Saturday, which was really fun. We went to eat at the $25 buffet, which is a good meal style for my 6'5" hungry husband. The food was delish and we played the penny slots for awhile...and when I say we, I mean I, Steve watched me play the penny slots would be a more accurate description. All in all it was pretty fun.

Here's Steve enjoying the Buffet

So that about sums up life at the moment.

Here's a picture of me on my tippie toes trying to be tall enough to fit in a picture with Steve.

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