Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July

I hope everyone had as relaxing of a 4th of July as we did! For the past few years we've gotten togehter with friends or family for a low key BBQ. This year Steve's brother Brian and his wife Shelly invited us over to their house down by the park to have dinner. Shelly is wonderful and made a delicious dinner that was healthy! I volunteered to make dessert and was inspired by Abby at Aberdeens Kitchen by her mini Flag pie, so I decided to try to make a 4th of July Pie. I had all the ingredients on hand for a berry pie.

Here's a pre-oven picture:

After it was baked it looked like this, berry pie has a tendency to bubble over, but it didn't mess things up too much.

Here's as we  were about to serve the pie, it turned out great, I used a little more cornstarch than normal and as a result no goopy berry mess, slices came out just perfectly! 

Here's a pic of Brian and Shelly and our adorable niece Lana. She will be all smiles and then as soon as the camera comes out you get a scowl...I guess she doesn't like paparazzi. 

I've been trying to teach Lana the important things in life, like high 5's, which she does when she feels like it and only if I'm the only one looking as she has yet to do it in front of anyone (I don't think anyone believes me but she DOES give me high 5's) And on the 4th we practiced taking selfies. 

Here's Steve and I with Lana. The shorts I'm wearing haven't fit for awhile and they were a size smaller than the clothes I've been wearing but I tried them on and they fit! Which was nice.

And finally here's a short clip of Lana waving her flag. She loved the flag and anytime someone would take it from her she'd get mad and you got a death stare, girl has mastered the death star before even turning one. I think she smacked everyone in the face except herself, and especially loved to hit her daddy in the face with it. 

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